
Grider-CVRI designed and paged the interior of A Strange Object’s second book, Misadventure by Nicholas Grider. You can find more information about the book at The title page design is based on the cover design by Rodrigo Corral Design / Rachel Adam.

  • Adapted design from first A\SO book for this manuscript’s special needs
  • Interior design and typesetting
  • Edited cover design, adapting it for the title page spread

The design of this book is pretty similar to the design of A\SO’s first book, adapting and adding styles for new elements. I didn’t follow through with the slashes indicating the position of the story under the chapter title and in the running head both because there were too many stories and because this book needed to be a little more clean/stark/intense.

In the original incarnation of this design, I used a photo by the author as a background of the section openers, but he preferred not to use one of his photos. The photo itself had a lot of black, and I decided I wanted to keep that element, so the openers (and the dedication) morphed into black backgrounds.

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